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This paper is the property of SPIE - The International Soceity for Optical Engineering. By substituting Eq. 23 into Eq. 24 we get: Reference: Proc. SPIE Vol. 4056, p. 50-64, Wavelet Applications VII, Harold H. Szu, Martin Vetterli; William J. Campbell,James R. Buss, Ed. (Invited paper) Publ. Date:04/2000. Imaging Spectroscopy Using Tunable Filters: A Review Nahum Gat Opto-Knowledge Systems, Inc.(OKSI), Torrance, CA. ABSTRACT Major spin-offs from NASA’s multi-and hyperspectral imaging remote sensing technology developed for Earthresources monitoring, are creative techniques that combine and integrate spectral with spatial methods. Suchtechniques are finding use in medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, forensics, and an ever expanding list of otherapplications. Many such applications are easier to implement using a sensor design different from the pushbroom orwhiskbroom air- or space-borne counterparts. This need is met by using a variety of electronically tunable filters thatare mounted in front of a monochrome camera to produce a stack of images at a sequence ofwavelengths, formingthe familiar “image cube". The combined spectral/spatial analysis offered by such image cubes takes advantage oftools borrowed from spatial image processing, chemometrics and specifically spectroscopy, and new custom exploi-tation tools developed specifically for these applications. Imaging spectroscopy is particularly useful for nonhomogeneous samples or scenes. Examples include spatial classification based on spectral signatures, use of spectrallibraries for material identification, mixture composition analysis, plume detection, etc. This paper reviews availabletunable filters, system design considerations, general analysis techniques for retrieving the intrinsic scene propertiesfrom the measurements, and applications and examples.S. Keywords: electronically tunable filter; hyperspectral; multispectral; true color vision; medical imaging; precisionagriculture; archaeology; art restoration; target detection; image understanding; plume detection. 1.. INTRODUCTION Spectral image cubes are analogous to a stack of pictures of an object, a sample, or a scene, where each image isacquired at a narrow spectral band. Each pixel in the image cube, therefore, represents the spectrum of the scene atthat point, Fig. 1. The nature of imagery data is typically multidimensional, spanning three spatial, one spectral, andone temporal dimensions.. Each point in this multidimensional space is described by the intensity of the radiancewhich is emitted, reflec9Ykted, or a combination of both (depending on the phenomenology under investigation). Sincedetector arrays in image capture devices are two dimensional at most, they can only capture two dimensions of thedata at one time, and another dimension displaced in time. In mobile applications (e.g., air-or space-borne, or amoving web or a conveyor belt) a sensor builds an image cube (x-y-2. dimensions) in a pushbroom fashion, bycapturing typically one spatial and the spectral dimensions in each camera frame, while the second spatial dimensionis captured displaced in time. In stationary applications (e.g., a sample under a microscope) it is possible to capturetwo spatial dimensions in each camera frame, while the spectrum axis is displaced in time?.(For rapid time-varyingevents, other techniques allow the construction of sensors that capture the three x-y-2 dimensions in a single cameraframe.) Capturing image cubes in stationary applications can be accomplished by swapping narrow band pass filtersin front of the camera lens, but a more elegant,convenient, and versatile solution is afforded by the use of electroni-cally tunable filters (ETF). xs Figure 1. Image cube obtained with a liquid crystal tunable filter; providing high spatial resolution of spectral features. a) Correspondence: E-mail: nahum@oksi.com; www.oksi.com; phone: 310/371-4445 x237; Fax 310/796-9300. 2.TUNABLE FILTERS (TF) 1.1 Tunable filter properties A TF is a device whose spectral transmission can be electronically controlled by applying voltage, acoustic signal,etc. An ideal tunable filter would possess the attributes listed in Table 1. In practice these attributes are only met toa limited degree and each TF technology presents advantages and disadvantages. Hence, each application shouldcarefully consider the tradeoffs. And as shown below, users must develop working solutions that capture the bestattributes of a technology, and overcome other limitations. Table 1: Ideal tunable filter attributes. ·Minimal tunability time ·Insensitive to environment (e.g., ambient temperature, humidity)· Minimal out-of-band transmission Insensitive to angle of incidence of the incoming light (wide FOV) Minimal physical thickness · Infinite spectral range ·Low power consumption · Top hat band pass curve (see Fig. 2) · Polarization insensitive Large aperture Selectable bandpass · Constant bandpass · Perfect MTF ·Random access to wavelengths Spectral tunability can be achieved in a number of ways. We discuss ETFsusing examples of current and upcoming devices. To fully characterize thespectral transmission of the TF, the transmission over the complete spectralrange of interest needs to be characterized when the filter is tuned to a seriesof spectral positions. The TF performance is described by a matrix A=(ai)of LxK elements, where L transmission curves are measured, each at Kwavelengths, where typically K>>L. Further quantitative details arediscussed below, after a brief review of some ETFs. Wavelength 1.2 Electronically tunable filter examples Figure 2. Ideal ETF We discuss three classes of ETFs: liquid crystal devices based on birefrin- gence, acousto optical devices based on diffraction, and briefly also mention the more well known interferometertype filters.Liquid Liquid crystal tunable filter (LCTF): A Lyot-Ohman’(or birefringent)4. filter, Figs. 3and 4, is built using a stack of polarizers and tunable retardation (birefringent) liquidcrystal plates. The transmission of successively thicker retardation plates is shown in Fig. 4 as curves a,b,c, etc. The transmission ofthe complete system comprising the stack isshown by the bottom curve. The LCTF ispolarization sensitive. Switching speed islimited by relaxation time of the crystal andis of the order of~50 msec. Specialdevices can be designed for fast switching(~5 msec) through a short sequence ofwavelengths. Figure 4. Operating principle of Lyot filter. ( H olographically-formed,polymer dispersed l i quid crystal (H-PDLC) : A different variation on L C TF is illustrated in Fig. 6, showing the ) Figure 5. Transmission curves for a real LCTF. different configurations for polymer andliquid crystal dispersions; (a) conven-tional PDLC;(b) reflective H-PDLC; and(c) transmissive (sometimes known asdiffractive) H-PDLCs. ConventionalPDLCs, Fig. 6a,are systems that capital-ize on the phase separation of the liquidcrystal and the evolving polymer duringpolymerization.78. Micron-sized liquidcrystal droplets are randomly dispersed ina solid polymer binder after photo-polymerization. In the zero-voltage state,the symmetry axis of the droplets is randomly oriented and there is a mismatch in the index of refrac-tion between the surrounding polymer and liquid crystal droplets.This condition results in a strongly scattering (opaque) appearance. By matching the ordinary refractive index of theliquid crystal with that of the surrounding polymer matrix, a trans- Eparent condition is achieved when a sufficient voltage is applied toreorient the liquid crystal droplets. Fig. 6a shows a two pixeldevice, where the bottom pixel is in the off-state (scattering condi-tion) and the top pixel is in the on-state (transparent condition). As a result of the holographic processing H-PDLCs contain aperiodic array of liquid crystal droplets and solid polymer planes,Figs. 6b and c. H-PDLCs may reflect (Fig.6b) or diffract (Fig. 6c)various wavelengths and upon application of an applied voltage thereflection or diffraction is eliminated to make the materials trans-parent. The reflection or diffraction wavelengths are determined Figure 6. H-PDLC operations. by the cure conditions, and governed by electrical field controlled birefringence. Response times for H-PDLCs areof the order of ~100 us. Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter (AOTF): An AOTF consists of a crystal in which radio frequencies (RF) acousticwaves are used to separate a single wavelength of light from a broadband source, Fig. 7. The wavelength of lightselected is a function of the frequency of the RF applied to the crystal. Thus, by varying the frequency, the wave-length of the filtered light can be varied. The most common types of AOTFs that operate from the near UV throughthe short wave infrared region, use a crystal of Tellurium Dioxide (TeO2) or HgCl in a so-called non-collinear conf-iguration- the acoustic and optical waves propagate at quite different angles through the crystal. An RFtransducer, bonded to one side of the TeO2 crystal, emits acoustic waves. As these acoustic waves pass through theTeO2, they cause the crystal lattice to be alternately compressed and relaxed. The resultant density changes, producerefractive index variations that act like a transmission diffraction grating or Bragg diffracter. Unlike a classical Figure 7. AOTF operations. diffraction grating, however, the AOTF only diffracts onespecific wavelength of light, so that it acts more like a filterthan a diffraction grating. This is due to the fact that thediffraction takes place over an extended volume, not just at asurface or plane, and that the diffraction pattern is moving inreal time. The diffracted light intensity is directed into two firstorder beams, termed the (+) and (-)beams, orthogonally polar-ized, both of which are utilized in certain applications. To useBeam Stop the AOTF as a tunable filter, a beam stop is used to block theundiffracted (zero order), broadband light and the (+) and/or(-) monochromatic light is directed to the camera. The anglebetween the beams is a function of device design, but istypically a few degrees. The bandwidth of the selected light depends on the device and the wavelength of operation, and can be as narrow as 1 nm FWHM. Transmissionefficiencies are high (up to 98%), with the intensity divided between the (+) and (-) beams. AOTFs can also be ofcollinear type depending on the AO crystal used to fabricate the cell (typically with crystals such as quartz, lithiumniobate, etc.), where the incident and diffracted light and acoustic waves travel in the same direction. The polariza-tion of the incident and diffracted beams are orthogonal, and the two beams are separated by using a set ofpolarizers. Operations in the long wave infrared (LWIR) require special materials operating at cryogenic temperatures.10.11. TAS(TlsAsSe;) is one material of choice, although difficult to work with due to cryo-cooling requirements. Interferometers: A number of interferometers have been used as ETF in similar applications. These devices producean extremely high spectral resolution and may be more appropriate for gas/plume detection tasks; a few examplesfollow. Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) have been used in imaging modes12,13. often, though, with a smallnumber of spatial pixels. Various forms of Fabry-Perot (F-P)14,15.,16. etalons and liquid crystal F-P(LCFP)17.18. havebeen used in imaging spectrometry. Micro electro manufacturing (MEM) technology promises small scale integra-tion of F-P or FTS filters on a chip, simplifying the overall sensor design. Other application specific imtagingechniques worth mentioning, include the Shearing Interferometer,. pressure modulated gas filtering,2 and gascorrelation spectroscopy.. The linearly variable filter (LVF), although non tunable, is also a useful spectral imagingdevice. 3.SYSTEM INTEGRATION CONSIDERATIONS Successfully employing ETF for spectral imaging requires a“systems"approach in selecting optimal configurationand components. Issues to consider include camera selection, optics, data acquisition, and software integration. Theintended application establishes the operating environment and parameters from which performance requirements arederived. Several typical configurations at use at OKSI are shown in Fig. 8. Camera LCTF Optics (a-top), (b-bottom) (c) (d) Figure 8. LCTF camera configurations: (a) LCTF mounted in front of a CCD with a long back working distance optics,(b) stereo system with apochromatic C-mounted lenses between LCTF and camera, (c) LCTF mounted within a shortened micro-scope tube to compensate for the optical length of the filter, and (d) a system mounted on a surgical microscope including macroreimaging optics. The application of course determines the useful spectral range for the phenomenology under investigation. We canconveniently divide all systems into those that operate in the UV and VNIR, based on Si CCD technology, and thosein the longer wavelength range. The range up to 1.7 um may be served by InGaAs cameras. In the SWIR, HgCdTe or InSb cameras can be used, and in the MWIR and LWIR, InSb and HgCdTe systems must be used. With theexception of the CCD and InGaAs spectral range, system cost will be significant primarily due to the requiredcustomization. In the VNIR range, CMOS cameras can be used but only for the low end applications. Illumination is almost always a primary issue. Incandescent sources exhibit a spectral output that is low in the “blue"portion of the spectrum, and high in the near infrared (NIR). CCD’s quantum efficiency (QE) curves are typicallypoor in the blue and peak in the red. Throughput properties of an ETF also exhibit a certain spectral curve; forinstance, low transmission in the blue and higher in the NIR, for an LCTF. Hence under such conditions we maysuffer from a compound effect of overall low performance in the blue. This situation may be alleviated by selectinga CCD that has higher QE in the blue; for example, a thinned, back illuminated CCD. But there is a cost penaltyassociated with a high performance camera. If one can control the lighting, e.g., use a high power Xe source, a suffi-cient solution may be provided. Another way to improve performance in the blue, is by increasing exposure time, asSNRt. This, however, requires a cooled CCD with very low dark current performance. Long exposure timemay not be appropriate, though, in applications where the scene is changing on a time scale of the acquisition. Oneshould not forget, of course, the polarization considerations when selecting light sources. Most incandescent and gasdischarge sources do not emit polarized light; it is the reflection from or transmission through certain materials thatmay introduce polarization. The dynamic range is another important consideration. Whereas the illumination in a laboratory environment can bewell controlled, natural scenes often contain a wide range of illumination. In most cases 8 bits (256:1) is insufficientfor recording the full range of natural scenes. At least 10 or 12 bits are required to cover the range, and although 16bits would be an overkill, it may be nice to have to avoid saturation and blooming near occasional specular reflec-tions from a scene. A clever use of exposure control, the aperture, and ADC range can overcome higher sceneillumination variability. Optics for a spectral imaging system also require special consideration. The optical thickness of many devices isgreater than the back working distance of common lenses (e.g., 17.5 mm for C-mount or 46.5 mm for F-mount).Using a common lens is possible if focusing to infinity is not needed. Otherwise a special optical train is required torelay the image through the ETF. Fig. 8a shows a system with a long back working distance optics. In Fig. 8d,thesystem uses relay optics between the TF and the camera. In some cases the TF may be mounted in front of theoptics, Fig. 8c, an arrangement that requires a large TF aperture to prevent severe vignetting. Of course the opticalsystem should be chromatically corrected over the spectral range of interest. Finally, to reduce spectral distortiondue to wide field of view, fast lenses may be preferred. In that regard, the image side of lenses may be faster than the object side, suggesting mounting the optics in front of the TF. It must be noted that due to the relatively limitedselection of off-the-shelf optics for this application, onemust be ready to deal with a variety of standards such asT, T2, C, F, and many more types of mechanical lensmounts, including English, and metric threads and othercustom mounts. Software is often the major effort in integrating afunctional, user friendly system. The process of acquiringan image cube, should for most applications, becompletely automated. This means the software applica-tion controls the camera, the TF, and data acquisition.Often there is a need to synchronize the system to anexternal event so that each frame is captured in sync withthe object under examination. Finally a word regarding file sizes is in order. The size ofan image cube covering the spectral range from 400 nm to Figure 9. A portable spectral imaging system uses a laptop with a1,000 nm, in 10 nm intervals, with 512×512 pixels spatialdimensions, and digitized to 12 bits (stored as 2 bytes) is docking station to accommodate up to 3 PCI boards for framecapture, additional serial card, and an ethernet card. 32 Mbytes, excluding header information. Generous disk space must be anticipated when using such applications.These images do not compress very well using lossless techniques. The use of lossy methods must be carefullyexamined depending on the application.22 Data rate considerations depend on the required frame rate, butultimately is dictated by the camera interaction with the computer bus. Low SNR often translates to a lower framerate. An example of LCTF system integration²3.at OKSI is shown in Figs. 9 thru. 11. For portability purposes,the systemis hosted in a laptop PC attached to a docking station. The software to operate the system can be run as a stand aloneapplication, or from within a spectral image analysis application (as a DLL). The user can select a palette, a list ofcolors or wavelength, for the image cube. Each palette entry can have its unique exposure time, to maximize thedynamic range of the images. An exposure time correction is then accomplished as discussed in Section 4. The usercan edit the palette and preview the images at each palette entry. Once satisfied, the software loads the paletteentries to the LCTF controller, and proceeds with capturing the sequence of images. If a new image cube is acquiredusing the same palette entries, there is no need to reload the data to the LCTF. Figure 10. LCTF preview menu. Figure 11. Software integration includes palette (band) list and corre-sponding exposure time, a preview widget for adjusting the wavelengthand exposure time, and a “capture"button. 4. ANALYSIS The objective of the analysis, supporting the hardware configurations shown above, is to recover the spectral reflec-tivity at each pixel of the scene at L spectral bands. Typical measurement geometry and sensor configuration aredepicted in Fig. 12. Typically the sensor collects a sequence of images at L bands, forming an image cube withradiance or intensity value, s, associated with each x-y-2 point. Each plane in the cube may have a specific exposuretime selected to optimize the dynamic range of the measurement. Ideal TF Analysis: We conduct this analysis for an arbitrary pixel in the x-y image.The same analysis applies for each individual pixel. The unknown to be extractedfrom the measurements of s, is the spectral reflectivity of the scene p(a),j=1,...,L.Using bold face letters to designate vectors, and capital letters for matrices, thespectral signal received at a particular pixel (and each pixel has it’s own set ofvalues) can be expressed as: Figure 12. Measurement geometry. (1a,b) Where dco=dc· tintg +of In Eq. 1, from left to right, the terms include: s=(s1,...,SL) total signal (in DNs) when the TF is tuned to a sequenceofwavelengths Ap (p=1...L); integration time (tingt,...t.); a group (x=xl,...,xL) of quantities describing the sourceand camera/optics properties [including source spectral radiance (b=bi,...,bL), responsivity of each pixel in the CCD(rccp=ri,...,n), transmission of optics (to=to,l,...,to,L) that includes geometrical effects that contribute tovignetting]; reflectivity of scene pixel (p=pi,…,pL), typically the object of the measurement; a characteristic group(a=ai,….,a) describing the TF [including transmission of TF (TrF=TTF,1,…,TTF,L), the transmittance of an out-of-bandblocking filter (TBLK=TBLK,1,…..,TBLK,L), the TF bandpass (AA=AA1,...,AAL) at each spectral position]; the dark current(dc) flux per unit time per pixel; and an offset bias (of). Angular effects are intrinsically included via coupling to thef/# of the optics. It is noted that in practice not all the terms in Eq. 1 are known so that additional measurements are required. Themultiplicative nature of the relations allows us to lump several parameters together, as in Eq. 2, since we do not needto know the individual values but only their product. Dropping the wavelength in the notations, yet remembering that all parameters are function of h, we rewrite Eq. 1b: In order to retrieve the unknown ofinterest, p, two additional measurements are performed;“bright field cube”(s)and“dark field cube"(s). For the former we use a known reflectance reference standard (e.g., Spectralon) p(~1typically for all A's in the VNIR), while for the latter we completely block the incoming light. Using Eqs. 3, 4a and 4b we solve for the unknown spectral reflectance: This is the common two-point correction. It is noted that the TF and other sensor properties cancel out and are notrequired in the solution. The spectral reflectance is simply expressed in terms of the spectral measured cubes. Real Filter Analysis: Eq. 5, derived for an ideal filter, does not account for the TF out-of-band transmission. Inpractice, as shown in Fig. 5, because of out-of-band transmission, the target reflectivity at all wavelengths contrib-utes to the total collected signal at Ap. For such cases, the analysis must be extended to include the contribution tothe signal from all the wavelengths when the TF is set to a specific wavelength. Eq. 1 is rewritten as: using finite differences as: In this case the spectral curves of the TF are divided into K intervals, and the quantities with over-bar in Eq. 7 areaverage quantities in the K intervals. It is important to note that the range over which the TF is characterized shouldcover the complete spectral sensitivity range of the camera. The reflected (or transmitted) radiance,s, is measured at L spectral bands (positions of the TF), i.e.,s=(si,...,SL).The source properties are described at K intervals x=(x1,...,xk), and the TF properties are specified at K interval foreach of the L wavelengths, as indicated at the top of Section 1.2. It is noted that all the terms inside the brackets in Eq. 6 are vectors of K elements, whereas in Eq. 1 they were of Lelements only. In Eq. 7b, s*=s-dco. Using the above notations we can rewrite Eq. 7 as: Where O stands for the Hadamard (term by term) product. As before, to retrieve the unknown p=(pi,…..,Pk),bright field and dark field image cubes are acquired. The latter produces the dco vector as before. The former iswritten in terms of the reference reflectance spectrum, in a manner similar to Eq. 9. Eqs. 9 and 10 can be solved to yield: (11) The ~ indicates an SVD inverse of A as it is a non square LxK matrix where typically K>>L. It is noted that Lmeasurements were performed and the reflectance/transmittance is retrieved at K wavelengths at which the TFproperties are specified. diagonal matrix, or can be represented as a simple vector a containing the elements in the diagonal: Firthermore, A s*R=a11/s*R,a22/s,...,au/sR. Plugging all into Eq. 11,yields: (12) =s*/s*A,02s*/s*R,....os*/s* Note: the TF properties cancel out ofthe equation, and the reflectivity at each band is obtained as before: ej=es-so which is identical to Eq. 5. Alternate Real TF Analysis 2: The inversion of non square matrices, as in the above solution, may occasionallycause problems. The following is an alternative approach. In this approach we first use the reference reflectancecube to retrieve the illumination source properties, x, by minimizing the overall error between measurements and themodel. Once known, the illumination properties are used in the model to retrieve the unknown sample reflectance p.Again, the analyses are applied to each image pixel individually. First, we define the sum square error in all L measurements using the reference reflectance sample as in Eq. 7b: (gF·az,1x1+g5·az,2x2+…+0·aL,K·XK-S*B)2, or simply e=(ane/xy-s;). (14) Taking the derivatives of w.r.t. each element of x and equate to zero, produces K equations with the K unknownsx=(x1,...,Xk). This system of equations has only one solution (or none). Rewrite. Eq. 16 can be rewritten as: Here the square matrix G is: where and where m,n=1,...,K. The A matrix and vector sare defined as before: and similarly: where p=(1/pi,...1/pk). Only a square matrix hat to be inverted in this solution. We check now for dimensional consistency. Remembering that we have L measurements that depend on reflectanceand light properties in K bands: Gis (KxK), A is (LxK) and therefore Ais (KxL); so GA is (KxL). S*R is (Lx1),so that the square brackets in Eq. 23 gives a (Kx1) vector. This vector is Hadamard-multiplied by the reflectance(Kx1) vector, so that in the final answer, x is a vector ofKx1 elements. Once we have the x vector, we go back to the image and solve for the unknown reflectance in the K bands. Rewriting Eq. 17 this time for the image cube (i.e., replace p"by p, and s*8 by s*), We solve as: (25) Validation: It can be shown that this solution also degenerates to the trivial one, Eq.5, by substituting into G and Aaij+0 if: i=jaj==0 elsewhere Typical calibration results are shown in Fig. 13 where the reflectance spectra of known color standards (Labsphere)are reproduced via the analysis outline above. In order to obtain these spectra, the dark and bright (using white refer-ence Spectralon) image cubes were collected in addition to the sample image cube. Figure 13. Color calibration samples and derived spectra using an LCTF system. 5. APPLICATIONS In this section several applications are shown, primarily using an LCTF as an ETF. A number of references areprovided for specific details of the domain in which the technology is applied. For a quantitative spectral analysiswith an ETF system, one has to conduct spectral/ spatial calibration of the system. This is important since each pixelin the image will have different properties due to pixel non uniformity and, more importantly, vignetting. Thus, asindicated in Section 4, the analysis must be applied to each pixel individually. System calibration test is always aprudent step when doing quantitative analysis. In performing calibration runs, or other measurements with an LCTF,attention should be given to the polarization properties of the source and samples,24. the bi-directional reflectivitydistribution function (BRDF) of the sample material and its topology. The importance of these issues can not beoverstated, since in most cases where results fail to meet the expectations, it is due to these factors. Agriculture: Agriculture is moving today towards “precision farming”techniques in which crop management isperformed on a local basis, rather than field wide. This requires the ability to detect and identify spatial distributionof crop stress in monoculture plots. Once identified, using multi-or hyper-spectral imaging techniques, local treat-ment may be applied (e.g., irrigation, fertilization, insecticide or herbicide). The approach has broad implications onproduction costs and the environment management. Present efforts are directed towards remote sensingapplications.26,27.28,29. Ground truth measurements, in support of remote sensing in cotton fields, using an LCTFbased camera are shown in Fig. 14a, using the configuration in Fig. 8a, and laboratory spectral analysis of cottonplants, in Fig. 15. Fig. 14b shows closed up spectral image of cotton leafs in their natural environment. In Fig. 15,the stressed leafs show reduced chlorophyll production resulting in higher reflectance in the visible than healthyleafs. Images like this allow careful study of the various spatial features of objects that can be then used to supportremote sensing of similar objects. Such detailed spatial data distribution are lost when conducting field measurments with a non imaging (e.g., fiber optics) spectrometer, that integrates a significant extent of the scene. (a) (b) Figure 14.(a) OKSI’s LCTF system in precision agriculture ground truth validation produces images such as in(b) showingspectral details of plant canopy and soil that allow measuring spatial variability in properties in support of canopy models andremote sensing observations. (a) (b) (c) Figure 15. Laboratory hyperspectral classification of cotton leafs using a LCTF system: small samples of various componentsare selected (a), for a supervised classification of the remaining sample (b); the means of the classified regions corresponding tovarious pathologies, are plotted in (c). Medical spectral imaging: Biological tissue exhibits unique spectra in induced3.or auto fluorescence, and in trans-mission or reflection.. Spectral differences in tissue pathology may be spatially resolved using imaging spectros-copy as shown in the following examples (the most recent conference on medical imaging includes a number ofinteresting papers). LCTF based hyperspectral imagery of dental samples (hard tissue) and of human brain duringsurgery are shown in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively.r. The latter were acquired with the system configured as inFig. 8d where the LCTF camera is mounted onto a microscope’s C-mount video camera adapter. A macrore-imaging system is attached between the LCTF and the camera. This system transfers the image formed by themicroscopy inside the LCTF onto the CCD. The macro system is of a high quality to preserve the microscopeperformance, including chromaticity, flat field, parfocality, etc. Activity mapping of cryosectioned brain tissue wasalso studied with a similar system. Figure 16. Dental sample in a pilot study for caries (tooth decay) diagnosis using LCTF, and the spectra of various regions onthe sample that shows significant differences among the various regions on the tooth. Figure 17: LCTF Brain imaging during neurosurgery (false color display R-630 nm, G-540 nm, and B-460 nm) (left), andPrincipal Component Transformation band that enhances the blood vessels structure (right). Archaeology & Art: In these applications spectral analysis is used for the detection of artifacts of interest or theenhancement of faded colors or writing.34.35. Similarly the analysis of paintings for restoration can be aided byvisible and near IR spectral imaging. True color night vision: Another interesting application is related to generation of true color imagery under low lightlevel (LLL) conditions. Conventional sensors for this application use image intensifiers that operate in the visibleand near IR (VNIR) and produce green monochrome images. False color imagery has been generated by fusingvisible light imagery from an image intensified camera with thermal infrared imagery. But such images do not helpscene/image understanding since the human brain does not adapt well to false color. True color night vision is basedon LLL of moonlight or starlight to generate scenes that look as they would during day time. Initial work by OKSIand Orlil produced the images shown in Fig. 18 using an LCTF in conjunction with an I2CCD camera. The truecolor image in the bottom right corner was generated from the individual bands using an algorithm that emulates theeye spectral sensitivity. Other applications of imaging spectroscopy include: Human color vision, color perception3. and image understand-ing, forensics, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, inspection, military target detection based on spectral and polarizationproperties37.,38.,39.,40. and much more. Figure 18. True color imaging under low level lighting, using an I2CCD camera: representative image cube bands, and true colorreconstruction. 6.SUMMARY& CONCLUSIONS Hyperspectral imaging technology has found many applications beyond Earth remote sensing. The combination ofspatial and spectral analysis has a major advantage in applications in which, until now, few tools existed to supportsuch work. Conventional filter wheels are slow, mechanically cumbersome, limited in color palette, and less reliablethan their ETF counterparts. We have seen applications ranging from agriculture, to medicine, biology, target detec-tion, pharmaceuticals, forensics, color vision, art restoration, archaeology, and more. ETF based systems open newopportunity for quantitative applications and research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work described in this paper was supported in parts by NASA GSFC and NASA SSC contracts, and OKSIIR&D. REFERENCES 1. Gat,N.“Hyperspectral Imaging,”Spectroscopy, 14, No.3, Pp. 28-32, March 1999(see http://www.oksi.com/). 2.(Gat, N. “Real-time Multi- and Hyper-spectral Imaging for Remote Sensing and Machine Vision: an Overview,”paper # 983027, Presented at 1998 ASAE Annual International Mtg., Orlando, Florida, July, 1998. 3.Title, A.M., and Rosenberg, W.J. “Spectral Management,”Proc.SPIE 268, Imaging Spectroscopy, 1981. 4.)Yeh,P., and Tracy,J.“Theory of Dispersive Birefringent Filters,”Proc. SPIE 268, Imaging Spectroscopy 1981. 5. 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