Agilent 5100 ICP-OES
Agilent 5100 ICP-OES








  • 钻石
  • 第23年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 多道型

检出限: 0

重复性: 0

稳定性: 0

波长范围: 0

光学分辨率: 0

Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 是行业领先的 ICP-OES(也称作 ICP-AES)分析法。凭借独特的智能光谱组合 (DSC) 技术,该系统在单次测量中可同时实现等离子体的水平和垂直观测。通过与速度更快且无需气体吹扫的 VistaChip II CCD 检测器配合使用,5100 ICP-OES(也称作 ICP-AES)能够以一半的氩气用量来运行最具挑战的样品,速度可提升 55%。除了保持 5100 系统的优异性能之外,新一代 ICP Expert 软件和 DSC 技术消除了方法开发过程中的估算并简化了分析过程。


●   Agilent 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 的智能光谱组合 (DSC) 技术可在一次读数中获得等离子体的水平和垂直观测结果,减少测量次数和氩气消耗

●   即插即用型垂直炬管可应对最具挑战性的样品(从高基质样品到挥发性有机溶剂)。简单的炬管载架机械装置可自动调整炬管位置并连接气体,确保快速启动仪器并获得良好的重现性

●   VistaChip II 检测器是连续波长范围、零气体消耗的高速 CCD 检测器,可快速预热,具有高通量、高灵敏度和最宽的动态范围

●   冷锥接口 (CCI) 通过从轴向光路中去除冷等离子体尾焰来减少自吸收和重组干扰

●   固态射频系统提供可靠、稳定且无需维护的等离子体,可实现长期的分析稳定性

●   智能的工业设计可确保即使在最严苛的环境下,也能通过耐腐蚀材料和内部正压将酸性蒸汽排出,获得可靠性能

●   世界上最小的 ICP-OES 系统节省了宝贵的台面空间,并且将电源、气体、冷却、水和通信等全部连接简单地放置在仪器一侧,有利于维修和维护

●   新一代 ICP Expert 软件具有您熟悉的工作表界面,高级算法提供准确可靠的结果、简单的方法开发和包括预设方法模板的软件程序,显著节省您的时间

●   5100 系统提供三种灵活的配置:垂直火炬同步双向观测、垂直火炬双向观测和垂直观测


  • 汽油中的痕量金属是环境污染物的一个主要来源。不仅如此,这些痕量金属还会对汽车发动机的性能带来负面影响。比如硅 (Si) 污染就是一个很棘手的问题,因为硅沉积会损坏催化转换器和氧气传感器等部件,从而导致昂贵的维修费用。ICP-OES 因其卓越的可靠性、稳定性和灵敏度,常用于石油产品中的痕量元素测定。要成功完成分析,必须把样品特性充分考虑进去,如汽油的高挥发性。向等离子体中连续注入汽油样品会影响信号稳定性,导致矩管处积碳而使等离子体熄灭。

    石油/化工 2019-11-14

  • 使用原子光谱分析技术对葡萄酒和烈酒进行元素分析被广泛应用于区分不同的食品和饮料,因为产品中存在的元素根据地理、原材料、生产方法和储存等条件而各有不同。 由于其高灵敏度和广泛的多元素覆盖范围,ICP-MS 已成功 地用于分析其他酒精饮料(如葡萄酒)的元素组成 [2], 并用于区分不同原产地以及加工地点的葡萄酒 [3, 4]。微 波等离子体原子发射光谱仪 (MP-AES) 也已经用于通过几 种目标元素来分析葡萄酒 [5]。 本研究考察了 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICPOES 分析六种不同类型威士忌的适用性。还利用安捷伦的 Mass Profiler Professional (MPP) 软件对结果进行了分析。MPP 使用户能够以不同的方式显示数据,可以更轻松地对结果进行比较和解析。安捷伦的 5100/5110 ICP-OES 系列仪器提供的数据可通过 MPP 进行分析。本应用也适用于 Agilent 5110 ICP-OES。

    食品/农产品 2018-07-09

  • 实验室一直都希望能够通过提高样品通量和尽力减少日常费用来提高分析效率并降低运行成本。农业应用实验室通常需要处理大量样品,但提高分析速度通常会导致某种分析性能的损失,例如精密度降低。结合了完全集成式高级阀系统 (AVS) 的 Agilent 5110 ICP-OES 无需在分析速度和精密度之间进行折中。其设计用于实现更快速、更经济而更简单的样品分析,是高通量实验室的理想选择。

    环保 2018-06-29

  • 不同等级的钢具有不同的元素含量指标,大多数钢和不锈钢等级规定 硫的重量百分比小于 0.05%,且磷的重量百分比小于 0.04%。利用电 感耦合等离子体发射光谱 (ICP-OES) 技术能够轻松测量样品中这一浓度范围内的元素,实验室从期望能否“完成工作”进一步考虑特定仪 器能否提高其样品通量、降低成本、简化样品前处理和仪器运行,以 及能否在大批样品分析过程中提供可靠的结果。本应用简报证明了 Agilent 5100 垂直双向观测 (VDV) ICP-OES 仪器在使用 GB/T 20125-2006 方法分析钢铁样品时的性能和优势。该仪器在这一应用中具有许多优势,包括能够快速分析大量具有挑战性的钢铁样品。

    钢铁/金属 2018-06-29

  • 汽油中的痕量金属是环境污染物的一个主要来源。不仅如此,这些痕量金属还会对汽车发动机的性能带来负面影响。比如硅 (Si) 污染就是一个很棘手的问题,因为硅沉积会损坏催化转换器和氧气传感器等部件,从而导致昂贵的维修费用。ICP-OES 因其卓越的可靠性、稳定性和灵敏度,常用于石油产品中的痕量元素测定。要成功完成分析,必须把样品特性充分考虑进去,如汽油的高挥发性。向等离子体中连续注入汽油样品会影响信号稳定性,导致矩管处积碳而使等离子体熄灭。

    石油/化工 2019-11-14

  • 汽油中的痕量金属是环境污染物的一个主要来源。不仅如此,这些痕量金属还会对汽车发动机的性能带来负面影响。比如硅 (Si) 污染就是一个很棘手的问题,因为硅沉积会损坏催化转换器和氧气传感器等部件,从而导致昂贵的维修费用。 ICP-OES 因其卓越的可靠性、稳定性和灵敏度,常用于石油产品中的痕量元素测定。要成功完成分析,必须把样品特性充分考虑进去,如汽油的高挥发性。向等离子体中连续注入汽油样品会影响信号稳定性,导致矩管处积碳而使等离子体熄灭。在本研究中,使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 分析汽油中包括硅 (Si) 在内的 21 种元素。通过向辅助氩气流加入氧气来减少矩管处的积碳、维持等离子体的稳定性以及减少有机溶剂的碳排放。将程序化温控雾化室的温度设置为 -10 °C,以减少等离子体上的蒸汽载入量,从而确保等离子体更高的稳定性。

    石油/化工 2018-07-09

  • 5100 VDV ICP-OES 非常适用于分析浓盐水。它采用垂直炬管以及在 27 MHz 下运行的固态射频 (SSRF) 系统产生稳定的等离子体,能够处理溶解态固体含量高的溶液并提供长期分析稳定性,且炬管所需的清洁和更换次数较少。本研究对 Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 测定浓盐水中 Ca、Ma、Sr 和 Si 的准确度和稳定性进行了评估。

    石油/化工 2018-06-29

  • Trace metals in gasoline are a major source of environmental pollution. They can also adversely affect the performance of automotive engines. Silicon (Si) contamination can be especially problematic as deposits damage components such as catalytic convertors and oxygen sensors leading to costly repairs. ICP-OES is often used for the determination of trace elements in petroleum products due to its reliability, robustness and sensitivity. A successful analysis needs to take account of sample characteristics, such as the high volatility of gasoline. Continuous loading of the plasma with gasoline can affect the stability of the signal and lead to carbon build up on the torch that may cause the plasma to extinguish. 2 In this study, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used for the analysis of 21 elements in gasoline, including Si. Oxygen was added to the auxiliary argon gas flow to reduce carbon build up on the torch, maintain a stable plasma and reduce carbon emission from the organic solvent. A programmable temperature spray chamber, set to -10 °C, was used to reduce vapor loading on the plasma, ensuring a more stable plasma.

    石油/化工 2017-12-20

  • 不同等级的钢具有不同的元素含量指标,大多数钢和不锈钢等级规定 硫的重量百分比小于 0.05%,且磷的重量百分比小于 0.04%。利用电 感耦合等离子体发射光谱 (ICP-OES) 技术能够轻松测量样品中这一浓度范围内的元素,实验室从期望能否“完成工作”进一步考虑特定仪 器能否提高其样品通量、降低成本、简化样品前处理和仪器运行,以 及能否在大批样品分析过程中提供可靠的结果。本应用简报证明了 Agilent 5100 垂直双向观测 (VDV) ICP-OES 仪器在使用 GB/T 20125-2006 方法分析钢铁样品时的性能和优势。该仪器在这一应用中具有许多优势,包括能够快速分析大量具有挑战性的钢铁样品。

    钢铁/金属 2018-06-29

  • Steel manufacturers conduct quality control testing for a range of metals and trace elements to ensure the grade and performance of their final product. The Standardization Administration of China uses their GB/T 20125-2006 standard “Low-alloy steel – Determination of multi-element contents – Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method” to control the quality of manufactured steel products. Different grades of steel have different specifications for elemental content, with most steel and stainless steel grades required to have less than 0.05 % by weight of Sulfur and 0.04 % by weight of Phosphorus. With the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) technique easily able to measure elements at this concentration within a sample, laboratories are looking beyond whether an instrument can ‘do the job’ to whether a specific instrument can improve their sample throughput, lower their costs, simplify sample preparation and instrument operation, and deliver reliable results throughout the analysis of a large batch of samples. 2 This application note demonstrates the performance and benefits of Agilent’s 5100 Vertical Dual View (VDV) ICP-OES instrument in the analysis of steel samples, using the GB/T 20125-2006 method. The instrument offers many advantages for this application, which involves the rapid analysis of a large number of challenging steel samples.

    钢铁/金属 2017-12-20

  • Steel manufacturers conduct quality control testing for a range of metals and trace elements to ensure the grade and performance of their final product. The Standardization Administration of China uses their GB/T 20125-2006 standard “Low-alloy steel – Determination of multi-element contents – Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method” to control the quality of manufactured steel products. Different grades of steel have different specifications for elemental content, with most steel and stainless steel grades required to have less than 0.05 % by weight of Sulfur and 0.04 % by weight of Phosphorus. With the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) technique easily able to measure elements at this concentration within a sample, laboratories are looking beyond whether an instrument can ‘do the job’ to whether a specific instrument can improve their sample throughput, lower their costs, simplify sample preparation and instrument operation, and deliver reliable results throughout the analysis of a large batch of samples. 2 This application note demonstrates the performance and benefits of Agilent’s 5100 Vertical Dual View (VDV) ICP-OES instrument in the analysis of steel samples, using the GB/T 20125-2006 method. The instrument offers many advantages for this application, which involves the rapid analysis of a large number of challenging steel samples.

    钢铁/金属 2017-12-20

  • Steel manufacturers conduct quality control testing for a range of metals and trace elements to ensure the grade and performance of their final product. The Standardization Administration of China uses their GB/T 20125-2006 standard “Low-alloy steel – Determination of multi-element contents – Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method” to control the quality of manufactured steel products. Different grades of steel have different specifications for elemental content, with most steel and stainless steel grades required to have less than 0.05 % by weight of Sulfur and 0.04 % by weight of Phosphorus. With the Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) technique easily able to measure elements at this concentration within a sample, laboratories are looking beyond whether an instrument can ‘do the job’ to whether a specific instrument can improve their sample throughput, lower their costs, simplify sample preparation and instrument operation, and deliver reliable results throughout the analysis of a large batch of samples. 2 This application note demonstrates the performance and benefits of Agilent’s 5100 Vertical Dual View (VDV) ICP-OES instrument in the analysis of steel samples, using the GB/T 20125-2006 method. The instrument offers many advantages for this application, which involves the rapid analysis of a large number of challenging steel samples.

    钢铁/金属 2017-12-20

  • 过去一直使用火焰原子吸收系统 (FAAS) 或配备垂直炬管的径向 ICP-OES 分析地质样品。但是这些技术却难以实现低成本、高通量地分析地化样品。地化样品中元素众多且浓度不一,需要多次稀释,尤其是使用 FAAS 时更是如此。此外,样品中还含有高浓度的总溶解固体 (TDS),从而导致需要 频繁清洗样品引入系统。本应用简报使用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES 来分析含有最高 2.5% TDS 的地化样品。本文展示了该仪器的准确度和灵活性,还测定了样品测量速率和每个样品的氩气消耗量。

    地矿 2018-06-29

  • 电感耦合等离子体光学发射光谱 (ICP-OES) 以其多元素分析能力、宽线性动态范围和操作简便而成为一种测定 REE 不错的替代方法。此外,在一些情况中,应用其他仪器方法时,获取样品特征检验其他目标分析物的潜在干扰元素至关重要。例如,相比于 ICP-MS 测定双电荷物质(如 150Sm2+ 和 150Nd2+)产生 75As+ 的干扰数量级,ICP-OES 能够更灵活地选择无干扰的发射波长和观测位置。本研究采用 Agilent 5100 同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) ICP-OES(5110 SVDV ICP-OES 也适用于本应用)测定地质样品中的 REE(Dy、Er、Eu、Gd、Ho、La、Lu、Nd、Pr、Sc、Sm、Tb、Th 和 Tm)。在 SVDV 观测模式下,通过一次读数获取轴向和径向等离子体观测数据,5100 和 5110 仪器能够实现同步测量。同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) 模式能够节省数据采集时间,从而减少每个样品的氩气消耗量。

    地矿 2018-06-29

  • Traditionally, geological samples are analyzed using flame atomic absorption (FAAS) and/or radial ICP-OES with a vertical torch. Achieving high sample throughput at a low cost per analysis for geochemical samples can be challenging when using these techniques. The samples often have a wide range of element concentrations, requiring multiple dilutions, particularly when using FAAS. The samples also have high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), which requires frequent cleaning of the sample introduction system. In this application note, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used to analyze geochemical samples containing up to 2.5% TDS. As well as demonstrating the accuracy and flexibility of the instrument, the sample measurement rate and argon consumption per sample were determined.

    地矿 2017-12-20

  • Traditionally, geological samples are analyzed using flame atomic absorption (FAAS) and/or radial ICP-OES with a vertical torch. Achieving high sample throughput at a low cost per analysis for geochemical samples can be challenging when using these techniques. The samples often have a wide range of element concentrations, requiring multiple dilutions, particularly when using FAAS. The samples also have high levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), which requires frequent cleaning of the sample introduction system. In this application note, the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES was used to analyze geochemical samples containing up to 2.5% TDS. As well as demonstrating the accuracy and flexibility of the instrument, the sample measurement rate and argon consumption per sample were determined.

    地矿 2017-12-20

  • The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100

    生物产业 2017-12-20

  • The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100

    生物产业 2017-12-20

  • The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100

    生物产业 2017-12-20

  • The determination of the elemental composition in plants is important for development, growth and maintenance of plant tissues. Elements, such as Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, S, Sr, P, and Zn, are important for plant nutrition, being vital nutrients required for tissue development, maintenance and plant metabolism [1]. The determination of macro, micronutrients and contaminants in plant samples is important to keep up with sources of nutrients and minerals. The chemical analysis of plant materials can be applied to assist in the remediation of contaminated soils or to solve mineral malnutrition, a problem that seriously affects the human population [2, 3]. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) is an attractive technique for this analysis because it can accommodate the wide concentration ranges typical of macro and micronutrients in plants. 2 Agronomical laboratories typically deal with large batches of samples. Several critical elements, in wide concentration ranges, must be determined on a routine basis for such samples. The Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View (SVDV) ICP-OES with Dichroic Spectral Combiner (DSC) technology, has the ability to keep up with these demands, performing axial and radial measurements in a single reading, leading to faster sample throughput times. With faster sample run times, the 5100 SVDV requires less argon per sample, meaning significant savings can be made for labs involved in high throughput analysis. The Vista Chip II detector used in the 5100 ICP-OES has the fastest processing speed (1 MHz) of any charge coupled device (CCD) detector used in ICP-OES. It delivers fast warm-up, high throughput, high sensitivity, and the largest dynamic range. This application note describes the quantitation of Al, B, Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, S, Sr and Zn in microwave acid digested alfalfa, corn and sugarcane samples and an apple leaves certified reference material (SRM NIST 1515), using the Agilent 5100

    生物产业 2017-12-20

  • 实验室一直都希望能够通过提高样品通量和尽力减少日常费用来提高分析效率并降低运行成本。农业应用实验室通常需要处理大量样品,但提高分析速度通常会导致某种分析性能的损失,例如精密度降低。结合了完全集成式高级阀系统 (AVS) 的 Agilent 5110 ICP-OES 无需在分析速度和精密度之间进行折中。其设计用于实现更快速、更经济而更简单的样品分析,是高通量实验室的理想选择。

    环保 2018-06-29

  • 水质对各种生态系统的健康有着直接的影响,因此,监测水、废水以及固体废弃物中的污染物极为重要,往往需要受到严格的法规限制。ICP-OES 是一种行之有效的技术,也是许多采用美国环境保护局 (EPA) 方法(尤其是 200.7 法规——使用 ICP-AES 测定水、固体和生物固体中的金属和痕量元素)的环境实验室的主力工具。许多环境实验室每天需处理数百个样品,因此一直期望能够提高分析效率、降低操作成本,同时保持仪器稳定性、易用性和分析性能。

    环保 2018-06-29

  • 许多从事地下水、工业废水、土壤、污泥和沉积物等环境样品中元素分析的实验室操作 ICP-OES 以美国国家环境保护局 (US EPA) 6010C 方法作为指导原则。这些实验室期望提高样品通量并降低分析成本,但由于元素种类众多且在典型样品中的浓度各不相同,因此使用光谱化学技术难以达到目标。 配备垂直炬管的径向 ICP-OES 或双向观测 (DV) ICP-OES 通常用于测定复杂环境样品中的常量、微量和痕量元素。然而,Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 独特的同步垂直双向观测 (SVDV) 构造能确保仪器在最适合特定应用的模式下运行(轴向、径向、垂直双向观测或同步垂直双向观测),为建立方法和应用要求提供充分的灵活性。 本研究采用在 SVDV 观测模式下运行的 Agilent 5100 ICPOES,依照 6010C 方法对河床污泥有证标准物质中的常量、微量和痕量元素进行了分析。将 Agilent SVS 2+ 切换阀系统与 ICP-OES 配套使用,以提高样品通量并减少每个样品的氩气消耗量。6010C 方法是一套基于性能的指导原则,用于分析土壤、污泥和沉积物中的 31 种元素。6010C 方法要求 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 满足校准有效性、线性动态范围(LDR)、方法检测限 (MDL) 以及光谱干扰检测 (ISC) 的性能标准。

    环保 2016-07-22

  • 许多从事地下水、工业废水、土壤、污泥和沉积物等环境样品中元素分析的实验 室操作 ICP-OES 以美国国家环境保护局 (US EPA) 6010C 方法作为指导原则。这 些实验室期望提高样品通量并降低分析成本,但由于元素种类众多且在典型样品 中的浓度各不相同,因此使用光谱化学技术难以达到目标。 配备垂直炬管的径向 ICP-OES 或双向观测 (DV) ICP-OES 通常用于测定复杂环境样 品中的常量、微量和痕量元素。然而,Agilent 5100 ICP-OES 独特的同步垂直双 向观测 (SVDV) 构造能确保仪器在最适合特定应用的模式下运行(轴向、径向、垂 直双向观测或同步垂直双向观测),为建立方法和应用要求提供充分的灵活性 [1]。本研究采用在 SVDV 观测模式下运行的 Agilent 5100 ICPOES,依照 6010C 方法对河床污泥有证标准物质中的常量、 微量和痕量元素进行了分析。将 Agilent SVS 2+ 切换阀 系统与 ICP-OES 配套使用,以提高样品通量并减少每个样 品的氩气消耗量。6010C 方法是一套基于性能的指导原则, 用于分析土壤、污泥和沉积物中的 31 种元素。6010C 方法 要求 5100 SVDV ICP-OES 满足校准有效性、线性动态范围 (LDR)、方法检测限 (MDL) 以及光谱干扰检测 (ISC) 的性能 标准。

    环保 2016-07-14


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