HORIBA XploRA ONE高灵敏度拉曼光谱仪
HORIBA XploRA ONE高灵敏度拉曼光谱仪








  • 白金
  • 第22年
  • 生产商
  • 营业执照已审核

仪器种类: 显微共焦拉曼光谱

产地类别: 进口

光谱范围: 70-3600cm-1

光谱分辨率: ≤7.5cm-1

空间分辨率: 横向1微米,纵向2微米

最低波数: 70cm-1

光谱重复性: ≤±0.25cm-1


作为一款高灵敏度的仪器,XploRA ONE不仅能提供光谱测试,而且可以将检测后的终结果直接呈现给您,其独特的一键式设计使得拉曼分析变得更加简单。

XploRA ONE的应用领域非常广泛,既可用于化学、生物、药物、材料等领域的快速检测,也可用于质量控制(如DLC膜质量控制、石墨烯的层数测量等),并可提供行业需求的特殊软件。

· 碳材料
· 半导体
· 药物检测
· 原材料检验
· 公安物证鉴定

XploRA ONE具有高灵敏度的优化设计和真共焦性能,可以与光学显微系统完美结合,更可以配备HORIBA独有的SWIFTTM超快速成像功能。此外,由于其具备佳的稳定性和便捷性,您只需经过简单的培训和维护即可确保仪器良好运行。

XploRA ONE — 简便智能,且拥有优异的性能表现!
· 无损分析测试
· 无需制备样品
· 化学分析鉴定的佳帮手
· 光谱数据库——为合理的数据解析提供保障
· 检测自动化——定制化的测试方法
· 自动校准——确保数据准确
· 共聚焦设计——优于1μm的XY空间分辨率
· 可升级SWIFTTM超快速共焦拉曼成像
· 高灵敏度——快速分析,挑战检测限
· 一次性全谱采集
· ParticleFinder——颗粒智能定位分析及拉曼测试


重量35Kg (77磅)
尺寸 (长 ×  × 宽)449mm  ×  626mm  ×  352mm

XploRA ONE激光显微拉曼光谱仪可配备一系列附件,包括:XY自动平台、SWIFTTM超快速成像附件、冷热台、大样品附件、显微物镜、激光安全门等,以及多种软件模块。


  • 显微共焦拉曼光谱仪能够便捷地分析矿物组分,并且提供高空间分辨率的组分分布图,及原位分析流体包裹体。本文利用拉曼光谱对不同成岩演化阶段中产生的不同类型的烃类包裹体进行检测,获得了油气藏和包裹体在地质历史中不同体系的高温端裂解和H2S成因的重要证据。此外,还对固体有机质进行研究获得其热演化模式。

    地矿 2013-02-04

  • One of the major fields of investigation of L'OREAL is to improve the understanding of the chemical composition and structure of skin and hair. To enable a better design of cosmetic products, a thorough understanding of the mechanisms and the nature of the interactions of cosmetic ingredients with these substrates is necessary.Raman is a key analytical method allowing the needed understanding of such mechanisms. In this context,HORIBA Jobin Yvon & L''OREAL Research have established a close collaboration in applying the Raman technique under in vitro conditions or directly in vivo,for hair,skin,nail, eyelashes and model substrates.

    化妆品 2006-02-06

  • The phenomenon of diffusion has been known for centuries. For example,the ancients who dyed fabrics certainly noticed the leading edge of their turquoise dye propagating through their cotton cloth, and biologists have long been aware of osmosis through various membranes. With our century’s advances in engineered materials, scientists and engineers are now able to design diffusive layers to provide controlled rates and selectivity of diffusion. There are a number of applications of engineered diffusion in current technology. Some are medical: drug patches allowing sustained slow release of a pharmaceutical, and membranes are used in dialysis and various laboratory separation procedures. Similar to the use of drug patches is the agricultural use of slow-release nodules to provide sustained fertilisation of soil. Industrial production of chemicals and foodstuffs often depend on separations with various membranes. Other applications are of a less organic nature, as in the separation of gases by selective diffusion through membranes, and of ions through a solid, which might be part of a battery or other electronic device. Sometimes, diffusion is an undesirable phenomenon, as when we wish to store gases dissolved in a solid, and they can diffuse out over time, or when diffusion of oxygen into a semiconductor crystal can depreciate the performance of an electronic device.

    其他 2005-01-12

  • 把激光拉曼光谱仪和FT-IR红外拉曼光谱仪有机地整合 在同一系统中,这样可以获得完全的谱信息,还减小 了仪器的体积、节约经费。特别需要指出的是,由于 该系统采用了“共点”技术,它可以保证使我们在同 一样品的同一位置上获取两种谱信息(不同的光谱范 围)。这完全不会影响两种仪器(激光拉曼光谱仪和F T-IR红外拉曼光谱仪)各自的性能和技术特点。该系 统,在众多研究领域(例如:聚合物性质、缺陷特 性、病理学、法医学、药物学、绘画颜料等)中都有 十分有意义的应用价值。

    石油/化工 2003-05-09

  • One of the major fields of investigation of L'OREAL is to improve the understanding of the chemical composition and structure of skin and hair. To enable a better design of cosmetic products, a thorough understanding of the mechanisms and the nature of the interactions of cosmetic ingredients with these substrates is necessary.Raman is a key analytical method allowing the needed understanding of such mechanisms. In this context,HORIBA Jobin Yvon & L''OREAL Research have established a close collaboration in applying the Raman technique under in vitro conditions or directly in vivo,for hair,skin,nail, eyelashes and model substrates.

    化妆品 2006-02-06

  • 显微共焦拉曼光谱仪能够便捷地分析矿物组分,并且提供高空间分辨率的组分分布图,及原位分析流体包裹体。本文利用拉曼光谱对不同成岩演化阶段中产生的不同类型的烃类包裹体进行检测,获得了油气藏和包裹体在地质历史中不同体系的高温端裂解和H2S成因的重要证据。此外,还对固体有机质进行研究获得其热演化模式。

    地矿 2013-02-04

  • The phenomenon of diffusion has been known for centuries. For example,the ancients who dyed fabrics certainly noticed the leading edge of their turquoise dye propagating through their cotton cloth, and biologists have long been aware of osmosis through various membranes. With our century’s advances in engineered materials, scientists and engineers are now able to design diffusive layers to provide controlled rates and selectivity of diffusion. There are a number of applications of engineered diffusion in current technology. Some are medical: drug patches allowing sustained slow release of a pharmaceutical, and membranes are used in dialysis and various laboratory separation procedures. Similar to the use of drug patches is the agricultural use of slow-release nodules to provide sustained fertilisation of soil. Industrial production of chemicals and foodstuffs often depend on separations with various membranes. Other applications are of a less organic nature, as in the separation of gases by selective diffusion through membranes, and of ions through a solid, which might be part of a battery or other electronic device. Sometimes, diffusion is an undesirable phenomenon, as when we wish to store gases dissolved in a solid, and they can diffuse out over time, or when diffusion of oxygen into a semiconductor crystal can depreciate the performance of an electronic device.

    其他 2005-01-12

  • 把激光拉曼光谱仪和FT-IR红外拉曼光谱仪有机地整合 在同一系统中,这样可以获得完全的谱信息,还减小 了仪器的体积、节约经费。特别需要指出的是,由于 该系统采用了“共点”技术,它可以保证使我们在同 一样品的同一位置上获取两种谱信息(不同的光谱范 围)。这完全不会影响两种仪器(激光拉曼光谱仪和F T-IR红外拉曼光谱仪)各自的性能和技术特点。该系 统,在众多研究领域(例如:聚合物性质、缺陷特 性、病理学、法医学、药物学、绘画颜料等)中都有 十分有意义的应用价值。

    石油/化工 2003-05-09

  • 作为一款科研级的高性能显微共焦拉曼系统,XploRA PLUS 具有高分辨率、高灵敏度等诸多优点,是研究和测试分析的理想选择。它的使用非常便捷,可以根据不同的实验需求自动切换光栅、激光等。此外,它还拥有许多独特的功能,如配备了HORIBA Scientific 独有的SWIFT 超快速共焦成像功能,最快可达1ms/ 光谱,极大地提高了分析速度,其真共焦设计还能让您拥有高品质成像质量和高空间分辨率。

    1379MB 2017-12-12
  • SWIFTXS 极大地提高了共聚焦拉曼成像的分析速度,缩短化学成像所需时间,可在数分钟内获取高精度拉曼图像,以进一步增强您的拉曼光谱成像功能!SWIFTXS 配备HORIBA自己研发的、专门为HORIBA拉曼光谱仪优化的EMCCD,具有超高采集速度及超高灵敏度。

    1059MB 2017-12-12
  • ParticalFinder TM具有简单清晰的操作界面,可快速对成千上万个颗 粒进行自动定位、尺寸和形状表征以及拉曼分析。HORIBA拉曼光谱仪结合ParticalFinder TM,可快速获取可靠的颗粒表征结果,适用于药物和化学材料的开发和质控、刑侦分析、沾污检测及地质样品颗粒的快速分析。

    1004MB 2017-12-12
  • LabSpec 6 光谱软件包是HORIBA Scientific推出的第六代光谱分析软件,它可以为用户提供更为完善的仪器操作和数据处理体验。LabSpec 6为拉曼、光致发光(PL)和阴极发光(CL)光谱提供了一个简单易用、功能强大的分析平台。LabSpec 可在同一界面中实现不同的操作环境,适用于不同级别权限的用户。同时,它还可以进行自动化和自定义操作,快速获取所需结果。

    979MB 2017-12-12
HORIBA XploRA ONE高灵敏度拉曼光谱仪信息由HORIBA(中国)为您提供,如您想了解更多关于HORIBA XploRA ONE高灵敏度拉曼光谱仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。


