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共有 6 人回复了该问答杂核谱可以做碘吗?
 回复v2740382发表于:2020/7/29 8:08:04悬赏金额:18积分 状态:未解决
 回复  1# zhangzhengfeng  回复于:2020-07-29 14:17:04
参见 http://chem.ch.huji.ac.il/nmr/techniques/1d/row5/i.html
There is very little information about iodine chemical shifts.

Iodine (I) has one NMR active nucleus, 127I with a very wide chemical shift range. The nucleus is of medium to high sensitivity but is quadrupolar and yields very broad signals as ions in symmetrical environments (fig. 1) and signals, too broad to be observed with a high-resolution NMR spectrometer, even in ionic clusters and small molecules. The relaxation time of the I4- ion has been measured to be 110 ns, corresponding to a line-width of 6 MHz, much too wide to be observed with a high-resolution NMR spectrometer. As a result, 127I NMR is restricted to relaxation studies of the binding of iodide ions.
