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共有 23 人回复了该问答ICP-OES点火几分钟后熄灭,求助各位大神!
 回复v2870801发表于:2020/5/30 16:16:47悬赏金额:17积分 状态:未解决

“Current through power transistor out of tolerance.

This problem may be due to a damaged transistor requiring a service visit or it may be due to improper plasma conditions.

Try the following:

Observe the plasma discharge during ignition through the viewing window. If the plasma lights, but then extinguishes right away, check the argon flows, torch condition, and test for air leaks.

? If the plasma is being blown out of the torch or is unstable during ignition, then check for proper argon flow and air leaks.

? If the plasma is stable during ignition, but still extinguishes, one of the transistors may have been damaged and must be replaced by service.

Try again to ignite the plasma. If you are not successful after several trials, contact PerkinElmer service and arrange a service visit.
 回复  1# summerlwl  回复于:2020-05-30 17:08:47
PE 的仪器水平矩管,需要空气切割尾焰,空压机产生的高压空气,输送到等离子体正下方的切割器出口,行成“空气刀”,你检查一下吧。