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共有 8 人回复了该问答How to improve oral English
 回复qingqingcao发表于:2020/8/9 22:24:47悬赏金额:1积分 状态:未解决
It is clear here that I just put some my view point of how to improve oral English that maybe useful to all of us.

First, find every chance to speak. If you have college English book, you could read test every day. Practice makes perfect. It is true. When I was in my twenties, I read English every morning for 10mins which improve my spoken English.

Second, find every chance speak to the foreign. In Shanghai , a lots of foreigner in the college, schools.  I used to talked to them.

Third, I think English is not everything. We shall improve our Chinese which is also very useful for English study.
 回复  1# xurunjiao5339  回复于:2020-08-09 22:49:47
So Chinese is also useful as English now