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 回复trueyeoman发表于:2020/9/27 13:47:33悬赏金额:17积分 状态:未解决

【作者】Ai-Ling Choya, b, , , , Paul D. Morrisonc, Jeff G. Hughesa, Philip J. Marriottc, 1, Darryl M. Smalla

【题名】:Quality and antioxidant properties of instant noodles enhanced with common buckwheat flour

【期刊】:Journal of Cereal Science

【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 57, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 281–287



【作者】Rita Redaellia, , , Viviana Del Frateb, Silvia Bellatob, c, Giovanna Terraccianob, Roberto Ciccorittib, c, Christoph U. Germeierd, Ester De Stefanisb, Daniela Sgrulletta

【题名】:Genetic and environmental variability in total and soluble β-glucan in European oat genotypes

【期刊】:Journal of Cereal Science

【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 57, Issue 2, March 2013, Pages 193–199EuroCereal 2011【全文链接】:


【作者】Natalia N. Rosaa, Cécile Barrona, Claire Gaianib, Claire Dufourc, d, Valérie Micard

【题名】:Ultra-fine grinding increases the antioxidant capacity of wheat bran

【期刊】:Journal of Cereal Science

【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 57, Issue 1, January 2013, Pages 84–90



【作者】P. López-Pereaa, b, , P.B. Schwarzc, , J.D.C. Figueroad, , , Z.J. Hernández-Estrada

【题名】:Effect of β-glucans on viscoelastic properties of barley kernels and their relationship to structure and soluble dietary fibre

【期刊】:Journal of Cereal Science

【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 56, Issue 3, November 2012, Pages 595–602



【作者】Linda Dykes, , William L. Rooney, Lloyd W. Rooney

【题名】:Evaluation of phenolics and antioxidant activity of black sorghum hybrids

【期刊】:Journal of Cereal Science

【年、卷、期、起止页码】:Volume 58, Issue 2, September 2013, Pages 278–283

 回复  1# dahua1981  回复于:2020-09-27 13:51:33