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共有 4 人回复了该问答药典翻译 铵离子的测定
 回复fenshuajiang发表于:2013/9/24 11:21:49悬赏金额:10积分 状态:未解决
Make 5 ml of solution S1 alkaline, if necessary, by the addition of a measured volume of dilute sodium
hydroxide solution and dilute to 15 ml with water. To the solution, add 0,3 ml of alkaline potassium
tetraiodomercurate solution. Prepare a reference solution by adding to 10 ml of a standard ammonium
solution (containing 1 mg/l NH3) the same volume of dilute sodium hydroxide solution as for solution S1,

diluting to 15 ml with water and adding 0,3 ml of alkaline potassium tetraiodomercurate solution。Place the
solutions in test tubes and stopper the tubes.

After 30 s, any yellow colour in the test solution shall not be more intense than that in the reference solution,
which corresponds to 2 mg/l NH3 in solution S1.

 回复  1# fenshuajiang  回复于:2013/9/25 14:55:08