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共有 7 人回复了该问答原子吸收测定钆的含量
 回复tshwjx发表于:2020/9/12 11:14:07悬赏金额:11积分 状态:未解决

Assay of gadolinium.


1 ml of the product should have 74.6 - 82.4 mg (95-105%) of gadolinium.

The assay is performed by atom absorption spectroscopy.


65% (w/w) nitric acid, Suprapur (Merck) or similar;

30% (w/w) hydrochloric acid, Suprapur (Merck) or similar;

Water with ≤50 µS conductivity;

10% (w/v) cesium chloride

Dissolve 10.00 g of cesium chloride Suprapur (Merck) in water with ≤50 µS conductivity contained in 100 ml volumetric flask and dilute to volume with the same solvent;

Gadolinium (III) oxide solution working standard; 10000 mg Gd per liter


Preparation of test solution:

Expose 1.00 ml of product (v) in porcelain pot to 0.2 ml of 65% (w/w) nitric acid, evaporate on a hot stove, dry, ignite at approximately 500°C, then burn in muffle furnace at 800°C till black particles disappear (approximately 1 hour).  Then leave the residue to cool to room temperature on fire-resistant surface.  Dissolve the white residue at heating in 1.0 ml of water and 1.0 ml of 30% (w/w) hydrochloric acid, Suprapur (Merck) or similar.  Put the solution quantitatively to 100 ml volumetric flask, add 10 ml of 10% (w/v) cesium chloride solution, dilute to volume with water with ≤50 µS conductivity.

Preparation of gadolinium stock standard solution:

Dissolve the weighting of 11.5260 g of gadolinium (III) oxide working standard (accurately weighted) (MR) in 25 ml of 30% (w/w) hydrochloric acid Suprapur (Merck) or similar in 1000 ml volumetric flask, then dilute to volume with water with ≤50 µS conductivity (C=~10 mg of gadolinium per ml).

Preparation of gadolinium standard solutions 1, 2 and 3:

Put 3.0 ml, 4.0 ml and 5.0 ml of gadolinium stock standard solution into individual 50 ml volumetric flasks, add 5.0 ml of 10% (w/v) cesium chloride solution and 0.5 ml of 30% (w/w) of hydrochloric acid, Suprapur (Merck) or similar, then dilute to volume with water with ≤50 µS conductivity (corresponds to 600 mg of gadolinium per liter, 800 mg gadolinium per liter and 1000 mg of gadolinium per liter respectively).

Control test:

Put 10.0 ml of 10% (w/v) cesium chloride solution into 100 ml volumetric flask, add 1.0 ml of 30% (w/w) hydrochloric acid, Suprapur (Merck) or similar and then dilute to volume with water ≤50 µS with conductivity.

Chromatographic conditions:


Atomic absorption flame spectrophotometer

Measurement type

Absorption with background compensation

Light source

Gadolinium hollow cathode lamp

Conditioning time

15 minutes

Measured wavelength

368.4 nm

Opening width

0.2 nm

Fuel gas

Acetylene > 99.6% (v/v) free from solvent


Nitrous oxide >99.8% (v/v)

Burner type

Nitrous oxide burner

Calibration method



Perform three quantifications of test solution and standard solutions 1, 2 and 3.  Use average value of three quantifications for the calculation. 

 回复  1# yang_qingwen  回复于:2020-09-12 19:37:07
