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 您现在的位置:首页 > 仪器问答 > 质谱 > 气质联用气质联用论坛
共有 24 人回复了该问答气质自动调谐不过?求原因?盼解决
 回复anranxiaohun发表于:2020/8/15 16:32:43悬赏金额:13积分 状态:未解决
我用的是varian的320ms,三重四级杆的,最近我清洗了离子源,做了硬件诊断,都没有问题,但是自动调谐老是出错,找不到水峰,而且69的peak height也特别的低,具体数值在附件中,不知道到底是哪儿的问题,我已经拆装好几次了,希望得到大家的帮助

 回复  1# jimzhu  回复于:2020-08-15 20:17:43
Hardware diagnostics report for Varian Quadrupole Mass Spec

Time: 10:39:37

No errors detected.  Proceeding with autotune.


Tune report for Varian Quadrupole Mass Spec

Time: 10:54:07    Tune file: FC-43 EI (Tuned on 15 Aug 2011)

Ionization mode:EI                Scan Optimization: Standard gc      (Fixed detector)

    Exact  Measured      Peak  Relative        Peak      Valley  Resolution
      mass      mass    height    height        width   
    (amu)      (amu)      (mV)        (%)  (amu @ 50%)  (% of iso)  (m/delta-m)
      18.0      18.1    0.865      5.790        0.89          76          20
      28.0      29.8    1.137      7.608        2.31          0          13
    Warning: the peak is very wide and mass shifted!
      69.0      68.9    4.886    32.700        0.81          91          85
    219.0      219.0    14.941    100.000        0.74          56          297
    502.0      501.9    2.504    16.757        0.78          49          644

(Detector = 1620 V)

Tuning of quad 1 in positive mode had the following error(s):
Problem tuning m/z 28.0


Tune report for Varian Quadrupole Mass Spec

Time: 11:01:40    Tune file: FC-43 EI (Tuned on 15 Aug 2011)

Ionization mode:EI                Scan Optimization: Standard gc      (Fixed detector)

    Exact  Measured      Peak  Relative        Peak      Valley  Resolution
      mass      mass    height    height        width   
    (amu)      (amu)      (mV)        (%)  (amu @ 50%)  (% of iso)  (m/delta-m)
      18.0      19.8    0.084      3.280        0.45          69          44
    Warning: the peak is very narrow and mass shifted!
      28.0      30.3    0.077      3.004        1.26          50          24
    Warning: the peak is very wide and mass shifted!
      69.0      70.1    1.180    45.922        3.25          18          22
    Warning: the peak is very wide and mass shifted!
    219.0      219.1    2.570    100.000        3.26          8          67
    Warning: the peak is very wide!
    502.0      501.1    0.493    19.176        3.40          11          147
    Warning: the peak is very wide and mass shifted!

(Detector = 1620 V)

Tuning of quad 3 in positive mode had the following error(s):
Problem tuning m/z 28.0
Problem tuning m/z 18.0

28 absolute size (mV - EDR on)
    - Limit 20.0 - Measured 0.0
    - OK!
28/32 Ratio
    - Air 3.5:1 - Measured 0.0:1
    - OK! - Not indicative of Air
28/18 Ratio
    - Limit 1.2:1 - Measured 0.0 :1
    - OK!

- No significant leak detected -
                  - OK -                     
