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共有 3 人回复了该问答谁帮翻下普瑞巴林的适应症
 回复chijun发表于:2020/7/28 11:41:21悬赏金额:14积分 状态:未解决
Peripheral and central neuropathic pain: LYRICA is used to treat long lasting pain caused by
damage to the nerves.  A variety of diseases can cause peripheral neuropathic pain, such as diabetes or
shingles.  Pain sensations may be described as hot, burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing, sharp,
cramping, aching, tingling, numbness, pins and needles.  Peripheral and central neuropathic pain may
also be associated with mood changes, sleep disturbance, fatigue (tiredness), and can have an impact
on physical and social functioning and overall quality of life.

Epilepsy: LYRICA is used to treat a certain form of epilepsy (partial seizures with or without
secondary generalisation- epileptic fits starting on one specific part of the brain) in adults.  Your
doctor will prescribe LYRICA for you to help treat your epilepsy when your current treatment is not
controlling your condition.  You should take LYRICA in addition to your current treatment.  LYRICA
is not intended to be used alone, but should always be used in combination with other anti-epileptic

Generalised Anxiety Disorder: LYRICA is used to treat Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD).  The
symptoms of GAD are prolonged excessive anxiety and worry that are difficult to control. GAD can
also cause restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge, being easily fatigued (tired), having difficulty
concentrating or mind going blank, feeling irritable, having muscle tension or sleep disturbance.  This
is different to the stresses and strains of everyday life.
 回复  1# chijun  回复于:2020-07-28 13:47:21
hot, burning, throbbing, shooting, stabbing, sharp, cramping, aching, tingling, numbness, pins and needles

LYRICA is used to treat a certain form of epilepsy (partial seizures with or without secondary generalisation- epileptic fits starting on one specific part of the brain) in adults.
