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共有 1 人回复了该问答EP药典低密度塑料袋里Type sample 是什么
 回复naxiwxl发表于:2020/7/10 10:43:32悬赏金额:17积分 状态:未解决

Substances soluble  in    hexane. Place 10 g in a 250 mL conicalborosilicate-glass flask with a grou nd-glass neck. Add 100 mLof hexane R and boil under a reflux condenser for 4 h, stirringconstantly. Cool in iced water and filter rapidly through asintered-glass filter (16) (2.1.2) maintaining the solution at0 °C (t he filtration time must be less than 5 min ; if necessarythe filtration may be accelerated by applying pressure to thesolution). Evaporate 20 mL of the filtrate in a tared glass dishon a water-bath. Dry the residue in an oven at 100-105 °C for1 h. The mass of the residu e obtained is within 10 per cent ofthe residu e obt ained with the          type          sample            and does not exceed  5 per cent.

上面一段是EP7.0中低密度塑料袋      正己烷中的溶解:其中type sample 是指的什么?我问了EP没有标准膜,是自己找的一批样品然后一直做 Type sample 吗?

 回复  1# hyheying  回复于:2020-07-16 22:03:32