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共有 7 人回复了该问答实验室关键岗位代理人指定-----翻译求助!
 回复wjr3000发表于:2010/11/22 11:11:03悬赏金额:50积分 状态:已解决

“本人现以ABC检测中心___________  (实验室)经理的名义批准以下关键岗位代理人,当该岗位人员不在时由代理人履行相应的职责”。
poorlittle 回复于:2010/11/23 13:48:38
I, the Laboratory Manager of ABC Testing Centre, hereby appoint the following staff as deputies of the key personnel listed below. The Deputy acts with full authority and responsibility in the key personnel’s absence.

Key personnel                                Deputy
Ms. AAA (Quality Manager)          Mr. BBB
Mr. CCC (Chief Internal Auditor)    Miss DDD

= = = = = =
Information :
The words key, appoint : refer to ISO 17025 (Clause 4.1.5 j)
The sentence “The Deputy acts with full authority in the key personnel’s absence”, copied from http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/compensation/alivisatos0108.pdf
共有 7 人回复了该问答实验室关键岗位代理人指定-----翻译求助!
 回复wjr3000发表于:2010/11/22 11:11:02悬赏金额:50积分 状态:已解决

“本人现以ABC检测中心___________  (实验室)经理的名义批准以下关键岗位代理人,当该岗位人员不在时由代理人履行相应的职责”。
poorlittle 回复于:2010/11/23 13:48:38
I, the Laboratory Manager of ABC Testing Centre, hereby appoint the following staff as deputies of the key personnel listed below. The Deputy acts with full authority and responsibility in the key personnel’s absence.

Key personnel                                Deputy
Ms. AAA (Quality Manager)          Mr. BBB
Mr. CCC (Chief Internal Auditor)    Miss DDD

= = = = = =
Information :
The words key, appoint : refer to ISO 17025 (Clause 4.1.5 j)
The sentence “The Deputy acts with full authority in the key personnel’s absence”, copied from http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/compensation/alivisatos0108.pdf
 回复  1# rock_rock  回复于:2010/11/22 16:33:29
I, the laboratory manager of ABC Testing Centre,hereby authorize the following critical deputies to take charge of the authorities and responsibilitiesof the corresponding positions.