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 回复zhuxiugao发表于:2010/1/8 15:57:27悬赏金额:50积分 状态:已解决
【作者】:PARK, J. S.; KIM, C. J.; UM, S. J.; HWANG, E. S.; KIM, H. S.; PARK, S. N.; NAMKOONG, S. E.; KIM, S. J.
【题名】:Immune response to p53 and HPV-16 E6 proteins in patients with cervical cancer
【期刊】:International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:July/August 1998 - Volume 8 - Issue 4 - pp 328-335
【全文链接】: http://journals.lww.com/ijgc/Abstract/1998/07000/Immune_response_to_p53_and_HPV_16_E6_proteins_in.12.aspx

【作者】:A. Yiannikouris,J. Fran,ccedil,ois,L. Poughon,C. G. Dussap,G. Jeminet,G. Bertin,J. P. Jouany
【题名】:Influence of pH on Complexing of Model beta-D-Glucans with Zearalenone
【期刊】:Journal of Food Protection
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2004, 67:2741-2746
【全文链接】: http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/iafp/jfp/2004/00000067/00000012/art00016

【作者】:Willi Wegst and Franz Lingens
【题名】:Bacterial degradation of ochratoxin A
【期刊】:FEMS Microbiology Letters
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:1983, 17(1-3):341-344.

【作者】:J. E. Smith and G. Harran
【题名】:Microbial degradation of mycotoxins
【期刊】:International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:1993, 32(1-3):205-211.

【作者】:G. Schatzmayr, D. Heidler, E. Fuchs, et al.
【题名】:Investigation of different yeast strains for the detoxification of ochratoxin A
【期刊】:Mycotoxin Research,
【年、卷、期、起止页码】:2003, 19(2):124-128

mouslaka 回复于:2010/1/8 16:11:52
 回复  1# mouslaka  回复于:2010/1/8 16:11:52