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共有 5 人回复了该问答应助 请高手帮忙译成英文
 回复feiyanfy716发表于:2009/3/9 23:21:52悬赏金额:20积分 状态:已解决
ruojun 回复于:2009/3/11 18:29:52
原文由 poorlittle 发表:
原文由 redanqi 发表:
原文由 ruojun 发表:
Many thanks for your recommendations. I already made revisions based on relative roles. However, the page number in the text did not include those for cited references and pictures. The length of the paper may exceed the limit due to research contents involved, shall (should) I shorten the length of the paper? We did some adjustments over the size of the pictures to achieve uniform picture size in the previous version. I am wondering if we shall (should) keep the original size of the pictures in the paper. In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct.

recommendation 感觉应改为advise,或者suggestion, proposal。 recommendation有推荐的意思

中译英是我的弱弱项, 译不来。 但别人译了我却又来挑剔, 请谅:

Advice (noun); advise (verb)

relative roles : relevant rules (guides)

the page number in the text did not...  :  the number of pages for the text does not...

alternatives for 图像 : graphics, graph, image, chart, diagram, photo 

I or we ?

due to research contents involved : due to large amount of experimental works involved

Shall I shorten the length of the paper?  :  is it necessary to cut it short?

In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. : Nevertheless, all pictures have been reverted to its original size in this revision

This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct. : As this is our first paper submitted to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should rectify (improve)

poorlittle 回复于:2009/3/11 0:04:54
原文由 redanqi 发表:
原文由 ruojun 发表:
Many thanks for your recommendations. I already made revisions based on relative roles. However, the page number in the text did not include those for cited references and pictures. The length of the paper may exceed the limit due to research contents involved, shall (should) I shorten the length of the paper? We did some adjustments over the size of the pictures to achieve uniform picture size in the previous version. I am wondering if we shall (should) keep the original size of the pictures in the paper. In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct.

recommendation 感觉应改为advise,或者suggestion, proposal。 recommendation有推荐的意思

中译英是我的弱弱项, 译不来。 但别人译了我却又来挑剔, 请谅:

Advice (noun); advise (verb)

relative roles : relevant rules (guides)

the page number in the text did not...  :  the number of pages for the text does not...

alternatives for 图像 : graphics, graph, image, chart, diagram, photo 

I or we ?

due to research contents involved : due to large amount of experimental works involved

Shall I shorten the length of the paper?  :  is it necessary to cut it short?

In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. : Nevertheless, all pictures have been reverted to its original size in this revision

This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct. : As this is our first paper submitted to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should rectify (improve)
redanqi 回复于:2009/3/10 14:40:51
原文由 ruojun 发表:
Many thanks for your recommendations. I already made revisions based on relative roles. However, the page number in the text did not include those for cited references and pictures. The length of the paper may exceed the limit due to research contents involved, shall I shorten the length of the paper? We did some adjustments over the size of the pictures to achieve uniform picture size in the previous version. I am wondering if we shall keep the original size of the pictures in the paper. In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct.

recommendation 感觉应改为advise,或者suggestion, proposal。 recommendation有推荐的意思
 回复  1# ruojun  回复于:2009/3/10 12:53:28
Many thanks for your recommendations. I already made revisions based on relative roles. However, the page number in the text did not include those for cited references and pictures. The length of the paper may exceed the limit due to research contents involved, shall I shorten the length of the paper? We did some adjustments over the size of the pictures to achieve uniform picture size in the previous version. I am wondering if we shall keep the original size of the pictures in the paper. In this revision, all pictures are in the original size format. This is our first paper to your journal, please advise if there is anything else we should correct.