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共有 2 人回复了该问答求行家指点
 回复luciatang发表于:2008/10/17 0:43:46悬赏金额:20积分 状态:未解决
Crystallographic data were collected using a Bruker SMART CCD (charge coupled device) based diffractometer equipped with an LT-2 low-temperature apparatus operating at 213 K. A suitable crystal was chosen and mounted on a glass fibre using grease.  Data were measured using omega scans of 0.3 ° per frame for 30 seconds, such that a hemisphere was collected.  A total of 1271 frames were collected with a maximum resolution of 0.75 Å.  The first 50 frames were recollected at the end of data collection to monitor for decay. Cell parameters were retrieved using SMART software and refined using SAINT on all observed reflections.  Data reduction was performed using the SAINT software which corrects for Lp and decay.  The structures are solved by the direct method using the SHELXS-97 program and refined by least squares method on F2, SHELXL-97, incorporated in SHELXTL V5.10.
The structure was solved in the space group P2 1/c (# 14) by analysis of systematic absences.  All non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically.  Hydrogens were calculated by geometrical methods and refined as a riding model.  The crystal used for the diffraction study showed no decomposition during data collection.  All drawings are done at 50% ellipsoids. In this analysis, there is ¼ of a CHCl3 molecule per molecule of AGF667.
 回复  1# chemsay  回复于:2008/10/17 10:15:58
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