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共有 60 人回复了该问答关于风险管理的翻译讨论
 回复littlewing发表于:2008/10/15 8:59:27悬赏金额:110积分 状态:已解决



The relationship between risk assessors and risk managers is highly variable among nations and regulatory contexts. One reason is the relative concern in different risk assessment contexts for relevance and independence from biases. Clearly, if a risk assessment does not provide the information needed by a risk manager, it is largely a wasted effort. Therefore, the risk manager must provide the charge to the risk assessors, and should be available to inform the judgments that must be made on the basis of policy rather than fact in the course of the assessment. On the other hand, risk managers have biases that cause them to prefer certain outcomes to risk assessments a priori. Therefore, if a risk manager is too involved in the technical analyses, the results will appear biased and may in fact be biased. Therefore, the original guidance for risk assessment in the US federal government emphasized the need to isolate the risk manager who is politically accountable from the technical experts who must provide a credibly unbiased application of science (NRC 1983). Since then, the pendulum has swung to the other extreme so that the same august body has called for extensive input by risk managers and stakeholders (NRC 1994). As suggested in the previous paragraph, the rela¬tionship is also influenced by the extent to which the risk assessment is routine. Site-specific assessments and unconventional or high-profile assessments are more likely to receive attention from a risk manager.
happyjyl 回复于:2008/10/20 10:09:17
原文由 littlewing 发表:

redanqi 回复于:2008/10/20 15:46:34
poorlittle 回复于:2008/10/19 9:36:18
High-profile 在 http://www.instrument.com.cn/bbs/shtml/20071108/1050905/index_2.shtml
 回复  1# littlewing  回复于:2008/10/15 8:59:50
在不同国家和管理背景间,风险评价者和风险管理者的关系是极不确定的。对此的解释之一是不同风险评价背景中因偏倚而产生的对于相关性和独立性的相对关注。很明显,假如风险评价不能提供风险管理者需要的信息,则基本等于做无用功。因此,风险管理者必须责成风险评价者,须有效告知基于政策、而非评价过程中事实的判断。另一方面,风险管理者的偏倚使其更青睐风险评价的特定结果。如果风险管理者过于介入技术分析,结果将显示出偏差,且很可能事实上就是有偏差。因此,美国联邦政府提供的风险评价原始指南中强调,应将有政治责任的风险管理者与提供可信、无偏差应用的技术专家隔离开来(NRC 1983)。此后,钟摆晃至另一端,该长官又要求风险管理者和利益相关者大量投入(NRC 1994)。正如前一段落所述,其关联也受风险评价惯例程度的影响。专一地点评价和非传统、高调评价更容易得到风险管理者的关注。