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共有 35 人回复了该问答《Who Moved My Cheese?》
 回复cbjcn1985发表于:2008/5/28 16:43:10悬赏金额:100积分 状态:已解决
have you ever readed this book ???

what's your opinion after readed this book ???

pls reply your comment in english (请大家自觉用英文回帖,来发表你的感受,用英文回帖才有奖励哦)

Who Moved My Cheese??????
ruojun 回复于:2008/5/29 20:27:16
原文由 northville 发表:
Change before you have to change...

However, it is just a book...  You need to practice, hereby to build up mind-set

Very good comments and your phrase is fantistic.
happyjyl 回复于:2008/5/28 21:42:22
原文由 chengjingbao 发表:


I also agree that the Chinese version is boring and I don't like it. But I still decide to have a look at the English version out of the following two reasons: First, maybe the Chinese version does not express the author's ideas well enough. Second, maybe this book is very culture-specific that foreigners like it while we don't.

wwjconquer 回复于:2008/5/28 23:52:31
It's very good book.
zhjiaren 回复于:2008/5/29 10:23:57
I remember thinking then how good the story was and how helpful it would be to me from that moment on.
poorlittle 回复于:2008/5/29 13:56:13
I read the Chinese version several years ago and have an impression that this book is suitable to support the bosses who are going to fire their employees and to comfort the employees who will be or have been just fired.
 回复  1# lylsg555  回复于:2008/5/28 16:46:08