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共有 16 人回复了该问答悬赏翻译 一段关于残留评估的
 回复redanqi发表于:2008/5/27 9:29:02悬赏金额:60积分 状态:已解决
Acephate was first evaluated in 1976, with further reviews of residue matters in 1979, 1981, 1984 and 1990. At the 21st (1989) Session of the CCPR (ALINORM 89/24A) several delegations expressed the opinion that the proposed MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts, head cabbages, cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, all at 5 mg/kg, were too high; these proposals were therefore left at Step 7B. In 1990, the JMPR proposed temporary MRLs for cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, also at 5 mg/kg, pending review in the light of additional information on current GAP from countries other than the USA. The 23rd (1991) and 24th (1992) Sessions of the CCPR (ALINORM 91/24A; 93/24) retained the MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts and head cabbages at Step 7B. Information on current GAP and residues resulting from supervised trials has been provided for all of these "Step 7B" crops for the present Meeting and is evaluated in this monograph. The relevant data on these crops published in the
earlier monographs are also reassessed. In addition, some information on the fate of residues, methods of residue analysis and residues in food in commerce or at consumption was supplied and has been evaluated.
bronzelion 回复于:2008/5/28 11:30:59
Acephate was first evaluated in 1976, with further reviews of residue matters in 1979, 1981, 1984 and 1990.
At the 21st (1989) Session of the CCPR (ALINORM 89/24A)
在CCPR(ALINORM 89/24A)第21次会议中
several delegations expressed the opinion that the proposed MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts, head cabbages, cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, all at 5 mg/kg, were too high;
these proposals were therefore left at Step 7B.
In 1990, the JMPR proposed temporary MRLs for cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, also at 5 mg/kg,
1990年,JMPR为花椰菜、柑橘类水果和番茄制订的临时最高残留限量仍为5mg/kg。pending review in the light of additional information on current GAP from countries other than the USA.
The 23rd (1991) and 24th (1992) Sessions of the CCPR (ALINORM 91/24A; 93/24)
CCPR (ALINORM 91/24A; 93/24)在1991年的23次会议和1992年的24次会议
retained the MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts and head cabbages at Step 7B.
Information on current GAP and residues resulting from supervised trials has been provided for all of these "Step 7B" crops for the present Meeting and is evaluated in this monograph.
The relevant data on these crops published in the earlier monographs are also reassessed.
In addition, some information on the fate of residues, methods of residue analysis and residues in food in commerce or at consumption was supplied and has been evaluated.
bing_xuhong 回复于:2008/5/28 8:22:11
乙酰甲胺磷是第一次评估在1976年,与进一步审查残留的事项在1979年, 1981年, 1984年和1990年。在第21 ( 1989年)会议的盟约( alinorm 89/24a )有几个代表团表示认为,拟议的最高残余限量为青花菜,抱子甘蓝,头部白菜,花椰菜,柑橘类水果和番茄,所有在5毫克/公斤,过于高;这些建议,因此留在加强7B条。在1990年, jmpr提出的临时最高残余限量为花椰菜,柑橘类水果和番茄,又在5毫克/公斤,等候审查,在轻的额外资料对当前的差距,从其他国家比美国。 23日( 1991年)和24 ( 1992年)会议的盟约( alinorm 91/24a ;二十四分之九十三)保留的最高残余限量为青花菜,抱子甘蓝和白菜头在步骤7B条。信息对当前的差距和残留物造成的监督,审判已提供所有这些“一步7B条”作物的本次会议是评估在这方面的专着。对这些作物的出版有关数据,在较早前的专着也重新评估。此外,一些有关固定的残留量,方法残留分析和在食品中残留分析,在商业或在消费供应,并已进行评估。
shandonghua 回复于:2008/5/27 16:26:34
乙酰甲胺磷在1976年第一次评估,与1979年、1981年、1984年、1990年进一步的讨论了其残留问题。在第21 ( 1989年)会议的盟约( alinorm 89/24a )有几个代表团表示认为对于椰菜\青花菜\大头甘兰\柑庶类水果以及番茄类最高残留量为5mg/kg 过高,因此这项提议被定为7B被搁浅。1990年JMPR临时的提出对于花椰菜\甘庶类水果以及番茄最高残留量又在5mg/kg,根据当前一些国家与美国的差距,这项提议仍未表决。在23届( 1991年)和24 ( 1992年)的CCPR会议上保留的最高残余限量维持了对椰菜、青花菜和白菜为7B。同时在论文中也进行评估,相关农作物的数据也出版在专业的论文中,此外,关于固定的残留量、残留的分析方法及食品或者消费品中的残留,已进行评估审查
jackdoason 回复于:2008/5/27 15:33:24
原文由 redanqi 发表:
Acephate was first evaluated in 1976, with further reviews of residue matters in 1979, 1981, 1984 and 1990. At the 21st (1989) Session of the CCPR (ALINORM 89/24A) several delegations expressed the opinion that the proposed MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts, head cabbages, cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, all at 5 mg/kg, were too high; these proposals were therefore left at Step 7B. In 1990, the JMPR proposed temporary MRLs for cauliflower, citrus fruits and tomato, also at 5 mg/kg, pending review in the light of additional information on current GAP from countries other than the USA. The 23rd (1991) and 24th (1992) Sessions of the CCPR (ALINORM 91/24A; 93/24) retained the MRLs for broccoli, Brussels sprouts and head cabbages at Step 7B. Information on current GAP and residues resulting from supervised trials has been provided for all of these "Step 7B" crops for the present Meeting and is evaluated in this monograph. The relevant data on these crops published in the
earlier monographs are also reassessed. In addition, some information on the fate of residues, methods of residue analysis and residues in food in commerce or at consumption was supplied and has been evaluated.

乙酰甲胺磷在1976年首次被评估,1979,1981,1984,1990年期间进一步讨论了其残留问题.在第21届CCPR会议上一些代表团提出了一些建议:"认为MRLs提议的对椰菜、大头甘兰、柑庶类水果以及番茄类最高残留量为5mg/kg 这项标准过高",这项提议因此被遗弃在7B这个水平.在1990年,JMPR临时的提出MRLs对于花椰菜\甘庶类水果以及番茄最高残留量也应定5mg/kg,因为根据当前一些国家与美国的差距,这项提议仍未表决。在第23届和第24届CCPR会议上保留了MRLs对椰菜、青花菜和白菜为7B这个水平。当前所有“7B”农作物的差距和残留结果的监管试验在暂时会议中都有提供,同时在专论中也进行了评估,在早期的专论中出版的相关农作物的数据也被再评估了。另外,一些关于残留原因、残留的分析方法以及商业食品或者消费品中的残留的资料都都有提供,并且通过了评估!


kongjiunan 回复于:2008/5/27 12:45:00
乙酰甲胺磷在1976年首次披露,1979,1981,1984,1990年进一步的讨论了其残留问题.在21届CCPR会议上一些代表团提出对于椰菜\青花菜\大头甘兰\柑庶类水果以及番茄类最高残留量为5mg/kg 过高,这项提议被定为7B因此被搁浅.1990年JMPR临时的提出对于花椰菜\甘庶类水果以及番茄最高残留量也应定5mg/kg,根据当前一些国家与美国的差距,这项提议仍未表决。在23届的CCPR会议上维持了对椰菜、青花菜和白菜为7B。关于当前的差距和残留结果的检测试验在出席会议的7B步骤中都有提供,同时在论文中也进行评估,相关农作物的数据也出版在专业的论文中。此外,关于固定的残留、残留的分析方法以及商业食品或者消费品中的残留的资料都在专业论文中都有提供,并且经过了审查。

 回复  1# redanqi  回复于:2008/5/27 10:33:06