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 回复zouhua1210发表于:2008/5/15 14:53:33悬赏金额:200积分 状态:已解决
1.  Title: The synthesis and fabrication of one-dimensional nanoscale heterojunctions
    Author(s): Mieszawska, AJ; Jalilian, R; Sumanasekera, GU, et al.
    Source: SMALL  Volume: 3  Issue: 5  Pages: 722-756  Published: MAY 2007

2.  Title: Mechanism and modeling of nanorod formation from nanodots
    Author(s): Ethayaraja, M; Bandyopadhyaya, R
    Source: LANGMUIR  Volume: 23  Issue: 11  Pages: 6418-6423  Published: MAY 22 2007 
3.  Title: The structure of < 1 1 1 > B oriented GaP nanowires
    Author(s): Johansson, J; Karlsson, LS; Svensson, CPT, et al.
    Source: JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH  Volume: 298  Special Issue: SI  Pages: 635-639        Published: JAN 2007
4.  Title: Synthesis and interface structures of zinc sulfide sheathed zinc-cadmium      nanowire heterojunctions
    Author(s): Shen, GZ; Bando, Y; Gao, YH, et al.
    Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B  Volume: 110  Issue: 29  Pages: 14123-14127     
    Published: JUL 27 2006
5.  Title: Shape selective growth of CdS one-dimensional nanostructures by a thermal      evaporation process
    Author(s): Kar, S; Chaudhuri, S
    Source: JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B  Volume: 110  Issue: 10  Pages: 4542-4547        Published: MAR 16 2006
6.  Title: Cathodoluminescence study of one-dimensional free-standing widegap-    semiconductor nanostructures: GaN nanotubes, Si3N4 nanobelts and ZnS/Si nanowires
    Author(s): Sekiguchi, T; Hu, JQ; Bando, Y
    Source: JOURNAL OF ELECTRON MICROSCOPY  Volume: 53  Issue: 2  Pages: 203-208 
    Published: 2004 
7.  Title: Crystal orientation-ordered ZnS nanowire bundles
    Author(s): Moore, DF; Ding, Y; Wang, ZL
    Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 126  Issue: 44  Pages: 14372-14373 
    Published: NOV 10 2004
8.  Title: Synthesis of CdS and ZnS nanowires using single-source molecular precursors
    Author(s): Barrelet, CJ; Wu, Y; Bell, DC, et al.
    Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 125  Issue: 38  Pages: 11498-11499 
    Published: SEP 
9.  Title: Surfactant- and temperature-controlled CdS nanowire formation
    Author(s): Kang, CC; Lai, CW; Peng, HC, et al.
    Source: SMALL  Volume: 3  Pages: 1882-1885  Published: 2007
10.  Title: Catalyst-assisted solution-liquid-solid synthesis of CdS/CdSe nanorod heterostructures
    Author(s): Ouyang, L; Maher, KN; Yu, CL, et al.
    Source: JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY  Volume: 129  Issue: 1  Pages: 133-138      Published: JAN 10 2007
dong3626 回复于:2008/5/16 12:15:29
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