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 回复weiwei331999发表于:2008/4/7 16:10:19悬赏金额:30积分 状态:已解决
【作者】:Michael V. Ruby, Andy Davis, J. Houston Kempton, John W. Drexler, and Paul D. Bergstrom
【题名】:Lead Bioavailability - Dissolution Kinetics under Simulated Gastric Conditions
【期刊,年卷期】:Environmental Science & Technology,1992,26卷,pp 1242 - 1248.

【作者】:Michael V. Ruby, Andy Davis, and Andrew Nicholson
【题名】:In Situ Formation of Lead Phosphates in Soils as a Method to Immobilize Lead
【期刊,年卷期】:Environmental Science & Technology,1994,28卷,pp 646 - 654

【作者】:John Yang, David E. Mosby, Stan W. Casteel, and Robert W. Blanchar
【题名】:Lead Immobilization Using Phosphoric Acid in a Smelter-Contaminated Urban Soil
【期刊,年卷期】:Environmental Science & Technology,2001,35卷,pp 3553 - 3559
