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共有 11 人回复了该问答帮忙翻译一下,谢谢
 回复gaozi666发表于:2008/3/23 20:43:12悬赏金额:30积分 状态:已解决
2.图3-2  水煮实验与总砷的去除率关系图
happyjyl 回复于:2008/3/24 10:12:15
1. Figure showing the relationship between water boiling test and removal rate of inorganic arsenic

2. Fig. Relationship between water boiling test  and removal rate of total arsenic


至于去除率,我觉得removal rate和clearance rate都可以,但要看你们这个专业里有没有专门的术语。比如在药学专业里,药物在血浆中的清除率就多用clearance rate。二者的用法列举如下:

The best removal of COD is over 75%.
COD去除率超过 75 %。
The removal rate of sulfide is high.
The removal of TN also reached more than 90%.
TN去除率大于 90 %。

Bacterial clearance rate was 75. 00%.
总体细菌清除率为75. 00%。
the Hp clearance rate by JWYY in vivo was 73.6%;

poorlittle 回复于:2008/3/24 22:40:50
刚浏览了两本书中有关附图的标题的写法, 记了些笔记, 有兴趣的朋友可看看:

Fig. 2.2  Comparison of population projection methods (a) Graphical comparison, (b) Arithmetic and geometric projection, (c) Logistic S and decreasing rate of increase

Fig. 2.6  Ratio of minimum and peak flows to average daily sewage flow

Fig. 2.7  Relation of extreme discharges on maximum and minimum days to the average daily discharge of domestic sewage in Massachusetts

Fig. 2.8  Infiltration rate curves for old and new sewers

Fig. 3.5  Definition sketch for energy equation

Fig. 3.10  Moody diagram for friction factor in pipes versus Reynolds number and relative rouhness

Fig. 3.32  Nomograph for Manning’s equation

Fig. 6.5 Relationship between solubility in water and heats of solution

Fig. 6.6  Characteristic curves for radial-flow and bladeless-type pumps to handle solids of comparable size

Fig. 6.19  Logarithmic plot of adsorption data

Fig. 7.5  Effect of the rate constant K on BOD (for a given L value)

Fig. 7.10  Approximate relationship among measures of the organic content of wastewaters

Fig. 7.13  Graphical presentation and analysis of bioassay test data

Fig. 8.12  Schematic of disolved-air flotation tank with recycle

Fig. 9.11  Distribution of hypo-chlorous acid and hyochlorite in water at different pH values

Fig. 9.12  Generalized curve obtained during break-point chlorination

Fig. 10.12  Schematic diagram of a fluorimeter

Fig. 10.17  Typicl current-voltage curve for polarographic analysis of a single ion

Fig. 10.24  Gas chromatogram produced from pesticide analysis, using an electron capture detector

Fig. 12.6  Values of kt in the Wehner and Wilhelm equation versus percent remaining for various dispersion factors

Fig. 12.21  Relationships among surface-loading rates, suspended-solids concentration, and solids loadings

Fig. 12.27  Relationship of BOD loading to depth of aerobic zone in stabilization ponds

Fig. 15.2  Simplified diagram of a pH meter circuit

Fig. 21.3  A residual-chlorine curve showing a typical break point

Fig. 26.2  Surface water; health hazard in relation to age of pollution

(But these two books were published more than 30 years ago, may be outdated.)

handsomeland 回复于:2008/3/23 21:24:29
原文由 gaozi666 发表:
2.图3-2  水煮实验与总砷的去除率关系图

1. the figure about annihilating rate of inorganic arsenic under boiling experiments with water.
2. As shown in figure 3-2, it has been demonstrated that water boiling experiments influence annihilating rate of total arsenic.
yinhjcom 回复于:2008/3/25 14:22:28
1. water boil experimental and the inorganic arsenic elimination rate relational graph.
2.图3-2 水煮实验与总砷的去除率关系图
2. chart 3-2 water boils experimental and the total arsenic elimination rate relational graph
mewio 回复于:2008/3/24 9:32:49
感觉好专业 有点难度呢
 回复  1# handsomeland  回复于:2008/3/23 21:24:29
原文由 gaozi666 发表:
2.图3-2  水煮实验与总砷的去除率关系图

1. the figure about annihilating rate of inorganic arsenic under boiling experiments with water.
2. As shown in figure 3-2, it has been demonstrated that water boiling experiments influence annihilating rate of total arsenic.